40th anniversary enthusiasm at Yeşim!
Yeşim Group, one of the giants of the Turkish ready-made clothing and apparel industry, celebrated its 40th anniversary with enthusiasm on the 100th anniversary of our Republic.
Yeşim Group, which has continued to be one of the most important actors in Turkey in its sector with its production capacity, value-added products, exports, and employment in the last 40 years, has expanded its production network with investments in Moldova since 2000 and in Egypt since 2008, while at the same time exporting its products all over the world with its customer-oriented approach, innovative products and strategic collaborations with world brands.
Selim Şankaya: "Our Greatest Strength is Our Employees"
While delivering a speech at the opening of the event, Yeşim Group Co-CEO Selim Şankaya said that the employees and stakeholders have contributed greatly in Yeşim’s journey to its current position today and said, “As the Yeşim family, our greatest strength since our establishment has been our employees, teams and personnel. From now on, we will continue to move forward in this direction, with this strength as in the past."
Şankaya stated that Yeşim is a global company and said, “We have managed to become a family of 16 thousand personnel in Turkey, Moldova and Egypt. I do not think there is a greater power than working and producing with this influence. Thanks to these successes, we have become the largest exporter company in our sector in Egypt for the last 5 years as well."
While emphasizing that Yeşim, which is positioned as a strategic business partner of global brands, is a company sets as an example in the world in terms of sustainability, environment, women-friendly corporation and gender equality, Selim Şankaya said, "This pride and success belongs to all of us."
Şenol Şankaya: "Our Stars are Our Employees"
Yeşim Group CEO’s Şenol Şankaya said, “This is the 100th anniversary of our Republic and the 40th anniversary of Yeşim. We are proud to celebrate these two important days together. This year also marks the 35th anniversary of Yeşim Kindergarten, the 20th anniversary of Yeşim Sports and the 15th anniversary of Jade Textile. We are living the happiness of all this together."
While talking about to the successes of the company since its establishment, Şankaya said, “Yeşim Group is one of the leading textile and ready-made clothing companies in Turkey today. We have been Turkey's leader both in textile and ready-made clothing sectors for 25 years. As Jade Tekstil, we have been the industry leader in Egypt for 5 years as well.’’
Şenol Şankaya emphasized the adoption of the philosophy of "People First" in every step Yeşim takes, and said; "We are all equal in the dimension of humanity. We will approach each other with love and respect."
While reminding about entering a transformation process as a 40-year-old corporation and chaging their logo and corporate identity in line with this direction, Şankaya said, “We embraced the letter 'Y' in our logo as a plane tree that we can all lean back on. The star in our logo represents you all, who have enabled us to achieve these successes. You all proudly embody this star on every 'Made in Turkey' label on the products we produce as well."
While also giving information about Yeşim's future goals, CEO Şankaya said, “From now on, production, quality, and on-time delivery will be essential for us. However, we will continue our investments for future generations as well. Starting from 2024, we will make serious investments in reducing water use and carbon footprint."
The Enthusiasm Reached its Peak with Oğuzhan Koç
After the speeches, the surprise video prepared by Yeşim employees for Şenol Şankaya and Selim Şankaya was shown. The 40th anniversary excitement reached its peak with the cake cutting. Famous singer Oğuzhan Koç, who took the stage at the celebration, gave the Yeşim family unforgettable moments with his songs. Yeşim Group Co-CEO Selim Şankaya and Corporate Communications Director Dilek Cesur presented flowers to Oğuzhan Koç in memory of the day. Şankaya Family, together with Oğuzhan Koç, shared the enthusiasm of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Republic and the 40th anniversary of Yeşim.